Free Tickets
With free tickets you can give customers the opportunity to get access to your events for free and without any payment process. The tickets are generated in the dashboard and can be sent directly to the customer with one click. Free tickets set the ticket price of existing ticket types to 0 and can therefore be used as an invitation.
Unlike internal transactions, free tickets do not involve creating a transaction and thus do not deposit a cash flow. The ticket price is automatically set to 0 and advance booking fees are not charged. Free tickets are also shown in all reports and statistics via an additional position, so that you can transparently evaluate and manage free tickets.
Note: Creating free tickets does not generate a checkout or a transaction. This means that you will not be able to access specific functions such as extra fields for transactions or the generation of an order confirmation page. If you are expecting an incoming payment or you have already received money, it is recommended to create an internal transaction.
Examples of use:
Inviting friends and family to an event.
Provide sponsors with their tickets to an event.
Give a customer a free ticket as a courtesy.
and much more.
Free TicketsCreate Free Tickets

To generate a free ticket, click on the blue Create ticket button in the Tickets module. A new window will open where you can fill in some fields.
Proceed as follows to create a free ticket:
Click on the Create ticket button above the Tickets tab.
Select the customer for whom you want to create the tickets. Only one customer can be selected at a time.
Optionally, select the option to send the tickets directly to the customer via email.
Optionally create the tickets with the status Details, so that the customer has to fill in personalization and extra fields additionally.
Select the event for which the tickets should be generated. Only one event can be selected at a time.
Select the tickets you want to generate.
Check your ticket selection and then click Finish. You will be automatically redirected to the ticket overview and can view the ticket details.
In the following, the individual settings of the free ticket generation will be explained in more detail.
Free ticket settings
Expand allFree TicketsImport Free Tickets

The ticket import is used to import free tickets directly into the system and thus to store larger amounts of data in one go. You can create as many tickets as you like at once and import them, including customer data, seats, and e-mails.
Note: Only free tickets are imported via the ticket import. An additional payment request or the documentation of ticket prices is therefore not possible via a ticket import.
Two different import jobs for tickets are available:
Ticket import for existing customers
If your customers are already stored in the system and you want to generate tickets for them, you can import them directly via the customer ID that is stored in the system. This saves you the trouble of entering the complete customer data.
Ticket import for new customers
If you want to import tickets for customers that are not yet stored in the system, you can create a new customer record at the same time as importing tickets. For this purpose, all necessary fields for customers have to be filled in. After importing, a new customer record will be created automatically based on the e-mail addresses. If you use an email address that already exists in the system as a customer, the ticket will automatically be saved to this existing customer. So you don't have to worry about a customer being created twice.
Pro Tip: If your import contains tickets for both existing and new customers, you either have to split the file or you can import all data via new customers. Because of the already existing email addresses, the tickets will automatically be saved with the existing customers.
You can find a sample import file here.
Import File
The ticket import only works via a CSV file which must contain certain mandatory variables. Basically, there are two variants that can be uploaded.
This file must meet the following requirements:
File format: CSV
File size: Any
Column names: At best, the columns of the CSV should directly have the name of the internal fields they will be linked to when imported. This is because they will be linked directly when the file is selected, so that they no longer have to be selected individually.
Structure: One line must correspond to a single ticket. If several tickets are to be sent to the same customer, the tickets must still be stored in individual lines, including all mandatory data.
Mandatory fields:
Customer data (first name, last name, street, city, zip code, country, email) or alternatively the vivenu customer ID.
Event ID
Ticket type ID
Note: Each field that is stored in the file must be filled in. For example, if the address is missing for some tickets, the field must be filled in with a placeholder.
Ticket import file
Expand allImport Process

To perform a ticket import, select the Import button via the Tickets module. Alternatively, the ticket import can also be triggered via the same process in the Jobs module.
Perform the following steps for the import:
Click the Import button via the Tickets module. A new window will open.
Select the Select button to upload the import file. Afterwards, further settings will pop up.
Select whether the import should be done for existing customers or for new customers. Accordingly, your import file must have been customized beforehand.
Select whether you want to send the tickets directly by e-mail.
Select whether personalization and extra fields should be queried.
Connect the fields of your CSV file with the internal fields. If the fields of your CSV have already been named with the same wording, the mapping will be done automatically.
Click Import to initiate the import. You will be automatically redirected to the Jobs module.
Import options
Expand allVia the module Jobs you have the possibility to download a file of the successful imports. If there are records that could not be imported successfully, you will also receive a file with all failed records.
Pro Tip: Use the file of failed records to prepare and re-import them. This will ensure that all tickets are imported completely.
Import Errors
After performing an import you will be automatically redirected to the jobs module. There you have the possibility to download all successful and all failed records. You can access the Jobs module later by clicking on your vivenu account name in the lower left corner of the dashboard.
Failed records are those tickets that could not be imported for certain reasons. These were not imported into the system either as a ticket, or as a customer. In the right column of each failed record file, you will find the so-called Error reason.
Ticket import errors
Expand allNote: If the ticket import for seats fails, the seats will still be blocked for the duration of the reservation time. If nothing else has been stored, the reservation time corresponds to 15 minutes.
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For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.