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Cart Automation

Cart Automation

Cart AutomationGeneral

Cart Automation is a powerful feature that allows you to streamline the ticket purchasing process and enhance the customer experience. By defining rules and logic for ticket groups, you can offer upsells, guide ticket selections, and automatically add items to the shopping cart. In this article, we will walk you through the process of utilizing cart automation effectively.

What is a Cart Automation?

Cart automation enables you to create rules for tickets in two ways:

  1. Upselling: Offer additional tickets as upsells during checkout, allowing customers to choose or, in some cases, requiring them to select extra tickets.

  2. Automatic Selection: Automatically add tickets or products to the shopping cart when specific tickets are chosen, eliminating the need for customers to take any further action.


  1. When purchasing a VIP ticket, the ticket buyer must also choose between three different add-ons.

  2. When selecting a family ticket, the exact number of adults and children must be chosen.

  3. When selecting a table, the number of people for the table must be specified.

  4. When selecting a group ticket, 10 individual tickets are automatically added. And much more.

  5. etc.

How Cart Automations work

Cart Automations are based on if-then rules. You define triggers and actions based on the selection of certain tickets. For example, if Ticket X is selected, then Ticket Y must (or can) also be selected. This allows for customized ticket groupings and combinations.

How Cart Automations appear in the checkout

Depending on whether you are using cart automations for upsells or automatic selection, they will be displayed differently in the checkout process:

Upselling: Additional tickets can or must be added to the shopping cart based on the selection of a specific ticket. A pop-up selection window will appear when that ticket is selected, allowing the customer to choose the additional tickets to be added to the cart.

Note: The pop-up window appears every time the ticket selected for the rule is added to the shopping cart.

Automatic Selection: The selected tickets or products are automatically added to the shopping cart when the corresponding ticket is chosen. The customer will see these items listed in their shopping cart.

Cart AutomationSetup

1 Set up Ticket Groups

What are Ticket Groups?

Ticket groups categorize your ticket types. Every rule and logic you create in the dashboard is defined through ticket groups, not individual ticket types. Therefore, ticket groups need to be defined first for cart automation. Each ticket group represents a variable in your cart automation.

For example: If you want to create a cart automation where, by selecting a VIP ticket, the ticket buyer needs to choose between three companion tickets, you would have two variables: the tickets that trigger the automation (VIP tickets) and the tickets between which the selection needs to be made (companion tickets). In this case, you would create two ticket groups and add all the ticket types related to them.

Note: It's possible for a ticket group to contain only one ticket type.

The advantage of ticket groups is that you can pre-group ticket types more easily and clearly, without having to add each ticket type to every rule individually. If it doesn't matter which ticket type the ticket buyer selects, you can directly add all those ticket types to the ticket group. The cart automation will trigger as soon as any ticket from that group is selected, regardless of the specific ticket type chosen.

How to Create Ticket Groups?

To create ticket groups, go to the Sales tab in the event settings and select Ticket Groups. You can add a new group by clicking on Add Ticket Group. Then, you can select the ticket types that should belong to that group by clicking on Add Ticket.

Note: Ticket groups can be used for any number of discounts and rules. Therefore, you don't need to create duplicate ticket groups.

2 Set up Cart Automations

Cart automations are configured in the event settings for each event. Go to the desired event, select the Sales tab, and then choose Cart Automation.

Click on Add Rule to create a new cart automation. Existing automations can be edited by clicking on them.

Upselling Cart Automations

  1. Give a name to your rule. The name is only for internal recognition and will not be displayed to the ticket buyer.

  2. Choose the filter for which ticket group should trigger the rule. This means that the selection window will appear when any ticket from this ticket group is selected.

  3. Choose Tickets of the group must be selected to define the rule for the selection window.

  4. Click on New application to add a new ticket group that should appear in the selection window. Select this ticket group from the drop-down menu.

  5. Specify the minimum and maximum number of tickets. The customer must select a ticket quantity within these values; otherwise, the transaction cannot be completed.

  6. Repeat this process for as many ticket groups as needed.

  7. Click Save to activate the cart automation.

Pro Tip: You can set the minimum quantity to 0 if the selection is not mandatory.

Automatic Selection Cart Automations

  1. Give a name to your rule. The name is only for internal recognition and will not be displayed to the ticket buyer.

  2. Choose the filter for which ticket group should trigger the rule. This means that additional tickets will be added to the shopping cart when any ticket from this ticket group is selected.

  3. Choose Items will be added automatically to define the rule for automatic selection.

  4. Specify the interval for how many tickets from the group in the filter must be in the shopping cart to trigger the automation. This defines the intervals at which this rule should apply. For example, if the champagne bottle should be added automatically to the cart for every fifth VIP ticket, set this value to 5.

  5. Click New Application to select a new ticket group or products that should be automatically added to the cart when the condition is met.

  6. Choose whether you want to add a ticket group or a product from the first drop-down menu.

  7. Select the specific product or ticket group from the second drop-down menu.

  8. Specify the quantity of tickets or products to be added from the selection. If there are multiple tickets within a ticket group, all of them will be added to the cart with the specified quantity.

  9. Click Save to activate the cart automation.

For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.