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Conditional Availability

Conditional Availability

Conditional AvailabilityGeneral

Conditional availability is a powerful feature that allows you to define rules and conditions for ticket availability or restriction. By setting up conditional availability, you can restrict ticket selection or checkout processing based on specific rule-based conditions. These conditions pertain to a specific combination of tickets that must be selected in order to proceed with the checkout. This article will guide you through the process of implementing conditional availability effectively.

What is a conditional availability?

The Conditional Availability enables you to create rules for tickets in two ways:

  1. Restrict Ticket Selection: The ticket type cannot be added to the cart and is disabled if the conditions are not fulfilled.

  2. Restrict Checkout: The cart cannot be checked out if the conditions are not fulfilled.


  1. When purchasing a children's ticket, an adult ticket must also be purchased.

  2. Before selecting a VIP add-on, a basic ticket must be chosen.

  3. For every second group ticket selected, a BBQ upgrade must also be chosen. However, it is not possible to order a BBQ upgrade without a group ticket.

  4. etc.

How Conditional Availability works

Defining Rules: To implement conditional availability, you need to define rules based on your specific requirements. These rules will determine the conditions that must be fulfilled for the ticket to be available for selection or for the checkout process to proceed. These rules pertain to a specific combination of tickets that must be selected in order to proceed with the checkout.

Applying Rules to Ticket types: When setting up conditional availability, the rules are applied to the ticket type that requires the restriction. For example, if you want to restrict the availability of Ticket A, you would define the conditions and apply them to that ticket type.

Rule Customization: Conditional availability can be customized in various ways to meet your specific needs. You can specify the number of tickets from another ticket type that need to be present in the cart for the desired ticket to be available.

How Conditional Availability appear in the checkout

Restrict Ticket Selection: When conditional availability is applied to restrict ticket selection, the Add to Cart button for the ticket will be greyed out and disabled if the rule conditions are not fulfilled. This prevents customers from adding the ticket to their cart unless the requirements are met.

Restrict Checkout: When conditional availability is applied to restrict checkout processing, customers can add all the desired tickets to their cart, and the Add to Cart buttons are not greyed out. However, they will be unable to proceed with the purchase unless the rule conditions are fulfilled. The checkout page will display a notification indicating which tickets are missing in the cart and need to be added to fulfill the requirements.

Conditional AvailabilitySetup

1 Set up Ticket Groups

What are Ticket Groups?

Ticket groups categorize your ticket types. Every rule and logic you create in the dashboard is defined through ticket groups, not individual ticket types. Therefore, ticket groups need to be defined first for conditional availabilities. Each ticket group represents the required variable in your rule.

For example: If you want to define conditional availability where a VIP ticket can only be purchased in conjunction with a regular ticket, the regular ticket would be the condition. Therefore, the ticket group for the regular ticket needs to be created.

Note: It's possible for a ticket group to contain only one ticket type.

The advantage of ticket groups is that you can pre-group ticket types more easily and clearly, without having to add each ticket type to every rule individually. If the selection of multiple ticket types is required, you can directly add all those ticket types to the ticket group. Conditional availability will prevent you from making a purchase unless all of these tickets are selected.

How to Create Ticket Groups?

To create ticket groups, go to the Sales tab in the event settings and select Ticket Groups. You can add a new group by clicking on Add Ticket Group. Then, you can select the ticket types that should belong to that group by clicking on Add Ticket.

Note: Ticket groups can be used for any number of discounts and rules. Therefore, you don't need to create duplicate ticket groups.

2 Set up Conditional Availabilities

Conditional Availabilities are configured in the event settings for each event and ticket type. Go to the desired event and select the Ticket Categories tab.

Restrict Ticket Selection

  1. Find the ticket type that should only be added to the shopping cart by the customer if a specific combination of tickets has been selected beforehand.

  2. Click on the three dots on the right side of this ticket type and select Edit. A new window will open. In this window, go to the Sales tab.

  3. Scroll down and activate the Conditional Availability checkbox. This will open up additional settings.

  4. Choose whether you want to restrict the selection of the ticket or only the completion of the checkout. Please note that when using a seat map, only the checkout restriction will work.

  5. Add a rule by clicking on Add Rule.

  6. Choose whether you want to create an AND or an OR rule for the chaining. More information about this can be found below.

  7. Select the ticket group that should represent the condition.

  8. Choose the minimum and maximum conditions.

  9. Add additional rules as needed.

  10. Click on the X to close the window and then click Save.

Example "OR" restrictions: For each wheelchair seat, one accompanying person ticket can be added

In "OR" restrictions, the focus is on variable combinations that depend on specific ticket quantities. For example, wheelchair seats and accompanying person tickets can only be purchased in a 1:1 ratio.

  1. Go to the desired event and select the Ticket Categories tab.

  2. Find the accompanying person ticket type and click on Settings via the three dots. A new window will open.

  3. In this window, go to the Sales tab and scroll down to conditional availabilities, then activate the checkbox.

  4. Choose whether you want to restrict the selection of the ticket or only the completion of the checkout. Please note that when using a seat map, only the checkout restriction will work.

  5. Add a new rule by clicking on Add Rule. Select the ticket group where the wheelchair seat ticket type that must be selected is located.

  6. Set the minimum and maximum values to 0 for the Between option.

  7. Select OR as the chaining.

  8. Set the minimum and maximum values to 0 for the Allowed Between option.

  9. The first rule is now complete. With this rule, you have specified that if no wheelchair seat is selected, no accompanying person ticket can be selected either.

  10. Now, add another rule by clicking on Add Rule again. Select the ticket group where the wheelchair seat ticket type that must be selected is located.

  11. Set the minimum and maximum values to 1 for the Between option.

  12. Select "OR" as the chaining.

  13. Set the minimum value to 0 and the maximum value to 1 for the Allowed Between option.

  14. With this rule, you have now specified that if one wheelchair seat is selected, a maximum of one accompanying person ticket can be selected.

  15. Add another rule by clicking on Add Rule again.

  16. Select the ticket group where the wheelchair seat ticket type that must be selected is located.

  17. Set the minimum and maximum values to 2 for the Between option.

  18. Select "OR" as the chaining.

  19. Set the minimum value to 0 and the maximum value to 2 for the Allowed Between option.

  20. With this rule, you have now specified that if two wheelchair seats are selected, a maximum of two accompanying person tickets can be selected.

  21. Repeat this process up to the desired maximum.

Example "AND" restrictions: Child tickets can only be purchased in conjunction with adult tickets

In "AND" restrictions, simple rules apply to the selected ticket and are not dependent on a specific quantity of that ticket.

  1. Go to the desired event and select the Ticket Categories tab.

  2. Find the child ticket type and click on Settings via the three dots. A new window will open.

  3. In this window, go to the Sales tab and scroll down to conditional availabilities, then activate the checkbox.

  4. Choose whether you want to restrict the selection of the ticket or only the completion of the checkout. Please note that when using a seat map, only the checkout restriction will work.

  5. Add a new rule by clicking on Add Rule.

  6. Select the ticket group where the adult ticket type that must be selected is located.

  7. Set the minimum value to 1 and the maximum value to 999 for the Between option.

  8. Select AND as the chaining.

  9. The rule is now complete. With this rule, you have specified that the child ticket is only available if at least one adult ticket has been selected.

For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.