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Valid tickets appear red when scanned

A ticket is red if the device has not downloaded the ticket's barcode. You determine which barcodes are downloaded by selecting the events. This will download all barcodes that belong to this event and ticket types over the internet.

Note the following:

  1. Compare the number of downloaded tickets with the actual tickets sold in the dashboard, e.g. via the Home view.

  2. Ensure an active internet connection to download missing tickets.

  3. Check the synchronization rhythm of the tickets. If a ticket has been newly created, it may not have been downloaded yet.

  4. Check if the event of the ticket has been activated in the event selection and thus the tickets have been downloaded.

Valid tickets appear yellow when scanned

A ticket appears in yellow if it is valid but has already been successfully checked in. Via the function of multiple checkins you can set that tickets appear green again as long as they have been checked out.

Note the following:

  1. Check the settings to see if multiple checkins have been enabled. Only if the function is enabled via a checkmark, the recheck-in in green is possible.

  2. Search for the ticket using the magnifying glass to view and track checkin history details.

Checkin numbers are not synchronized

All checkin information of a device is synchronized with the dashboard and with other access control devices in the selected synchronization rhythm. This ensures that each device displays the most up-to-date status.

Note the following:

  1. Synchronization between Access Control devices can only take place via the same operating system provider. Crossing Android and Apple is not possible for synchronization with each other. The connection to the vivenu dashboard takes place nevertheless.

  2. Ensure an active Internet connection so that the synchronization can run. If no internet connection is active, the synchronization of all activities will take place downstream as soon as an internet connection is available again. The data will not be lost.

  3. Check the synchronization rhythm. If an action happened recently, the synchronization may not have started yet.

Camera or notifications do not work

The camera for scanning tickets as well as the notification function of the app depends on the settings of the device.

Note the following:

  1. Activate the camera function for the Access Control app in the device settings. Usually, you have the option to allow this function before starting the app.

  2. Check the notification settings for the Access Control app. Depending on the setup, the options may vary.

For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.