E-Mail Domain
E-Mail DomainGeneral
Note: This setting requires the Custom E-Mail Domains module.
Emails are always sent via the vivenu domain emails.vivenu.com. This applies to all mails generated by vivenu, such as ticket mails, order confirmations, personalization reminders, etc.
This sender domain can be replaced with your own domain, so that emails are sent in your name. In addition to the email, the sender name can also be customized.
Note: When using your own email templates, a custom email domain is mandatory.
E-Mail DomainSetup
1 Add Domain
In the first step you have to add your domain to the dashboard.
Go to the Emails and Senders tab in your Settings to add a new domain.
Select Add Domain.
Enter your domain including third-level domain (optional), second-level domain and top-level domain in the field. Example: "tickets.organizer.com". Then click on Create Domain.
Your domain will now appear in the listing with the status Verification pending. In the next step you have to verify the domain via your domain settings.

2 Verify Domain
Before you can use a domain it has to be verified by the owner of the domain. To do this, the owner must go into their own domain settings and enter the CNAME content of vivenu.
Select the Verify Domain button next to your created domain in your Settings via the Emails and Senders module to get the DNS content information.
Go to the DNS settings of your domain.
You will find both DKIM and ReturnPath information in the dashboard. Enter the DNS or TXT content including hostname in your DNS settings of your domain.
Once the data has been successfully entered, verification will only take a few minutes. Your domain will be displayed as verified if the verification was successful.

3 Activate Domain
Once a domain has been verified, you need to select it as the sender in the dashboard.
In your settings, go to the Emails and Senders module.
In the Sender drop-down menu, select the desired sender address. The default address is the domain of vivenu.
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For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.