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Set up card reader

Set up card reader

Note: This feature is only available with vivenu Own Payments.

If needed, you can connect a card reader to the POS app to connect card payments directly to vivenu. By using card readers, transaction totals are sent directly to the reader and no longer need to be entered manually.

The use of card readers is currently only available through Stripe Own Payments. If you use vivenu Managed Payments, the setup is not possible. This applies equally to online and POS sales.

1 Set up Stripe Payments

At the current time, only card readers from Stripe can be linked to the vivenu POS app. This means that a connection via other providers is not possible.

What if I don't want to set up a Stripe account?

The vivenu POS system can only be used with Stripe card readers. If you still want to use another provider, you have to do this setup externally from vivenu. This means that when selling tickets by card, the values must be manually typed into the card reader and there will be no automatic forwarding of the price. A link to vivenu is therefore not possible.

Set up Stripe Payment Gateway in vivenu

  1. In the vivenu dashboard, go to the Developer module and Payment Gateways.

  2. Add a new payment gateway via Create. Select Stripe from the drop-down menu and enter a name. The name is visible for customers in the checkout. Then click on Create. The new payment gateway will now appear in the listing.

  3. Go to the newly created Payment Gateway and click Edit in the top right corner to make settings.

  4. Click on Guide: Configure Webhooks to make the configuration. You will see step by step instructions on how to proceed. Follow the guide and add the signing secret.

  5. Add the Public Key, Secret Key and the Payment Description.

  6. Activate the payment gateway by clicking the Active button and then click Save. The payment gateway is now active for your online sale.

2 Set up card readers

Card readers from Stripe must be used for activation. Stripe offers different models, which you can connect directly to the POS app.

All information about the models and the setup at Stripe can be found here. Info about the setup in the vivenu POS app can be found below.

Activate card reader in the POS app

  1. Open the POS app and log in with your POS data.

  2. Go to the POS module.

  3. Click on the Unconnected button in the upper right corner and select the device you want to use. The device will be ready to use immediately.

For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.