ReportsReport Types
All revenue from all online, POS, and internal sales, provided these have not been filtered out.
Cancellations, discounts, and taxes are listed in separate columns.
Includes all tickets, products, and fees, which can be filtered out if necessary.
Ideal for an overview of previous revenue figures.
Revenue | Columns
Expand allTransactions
The volume of all transactions from all online, POS, and internal sales, provided these have not been filtered out.
Discounts are deducted in advance as it is the pure cart value.
Cancellations and chargebacks are included and can be filtered out if necessary.
Ideal for an overview of pre-sales and system fees.
Transactions | Columns
Expand allNote: The report filters transactions by their creation date. If you filter for canceled transactions, they will be listed by their creation date, not their cancellation date. This means you will see which transactions created during period X have since been canceled. If you need to filter by cancellation date, we recommend using the revenue or cancellation report.
Item Sales
The number and sales figures of all items. Items include tickets, products, bundles, additional fees through schemas, shipping fees, and charges.
Everything can be filtered out separately.
Cancellations and chargebacks are included and can be filtered out if necessary.
Ideal for an overview of sold tickets and products including revenue figures.
Item Sales | Columns
Expand allApplied Discounts
The number and value of all discounts applied, including coupons and discount logic within the event.
Vouchers are not included.
Discounts from cancellations and chargebacks are included and can be filtered out if necessary.
Ideal for an overview of redeemed coupons.
Discounts Columns | Columns
Expand allCancellations
Amount of all cancellations performed, including partial cancellations and complete cancellations.
Ideal for an overview of all cancellations.
Cancellations | Columns
Expand allVoucher
Shows the value already redeemed with vouchers.
Ideal for an overview of redeemed vouchers.
Vouchers | Columns
Expand allTickets
Shows the absolute number of tickets created.
Not related to sales.
Ideal for quickly understanding and tracking ticket numbers.
Tickets | Columns
Expand allIssued Tickets
Equivalent to the Tickets Report, but without time filters.
Shows all tickets of an event that have ever been created.
Ideal for quickly obtaining an overview of ticket numbers for a specific event.
Issued Tickets | Columns
Expand allTicket Transfer
Shows an overview of all ticket transfers made so far.
Distinguishes between rejected and successfully transferred tickets.
Ideal for getting an overview of ticket transfers.
Ticket Transfers | Columns
Expand allCompletion Rate
Shows the number of created checkouts compared to completed checkouts. This helps filter out abandoned checkouts more effectively.
Ideal for an overview of how often customers actually complete a checkout.
Completion Rate | Columns
Expand allOrders
Displays the transaction volume of all sales, including the average cart value.
Compared to the transaction report, this report is less detailed and kept simpler.
Ideal for marketing teams to determine how the average cart value has changed.
Orders | Columns
Expand allNew Customers
The absolute number of new customers. A new customer is identified by email addresses that did not previously exist in your customer database and were newly added.
Ideal for generating an overview of when and how frequently new customers are using your shop.
New Customers | Columns
Expand allReturning Customers
Shows how many customers complete transactions again.
Ideal for determining which customers remain loyal long-term.
New Customers | Columns
Expand allCheckins
Shows how many scans were performed for check-in.
Ideal for having an overview of customers who actually attended your event.
Scans | Columns
Expand allReportsManage Reports
Customize Reports
The requirements for reports vary depending on the use case. Therefore, you have the option to customize reports according to your preferences with us.
Customization options:
Grouping: Group and list data based on free variables.
Filtering: Filter data as needed.
Columns: Add or remove columns.
Charts: Customize graphics individually.

When creating a new report, it is initially grouped. This means that the values you are examining, such as revenue figures, ticket sales, or check-ins, are aggregated based on a specific variable such as date or name. You can customize these groupings and add additional dimensions. For example, you can display your data by event, country, ticket name, or similar categories.
Go to the Statistics and Reports module in the sidebar.
Open the desired report.
On the right side, select the variable you want to group by under Group by.
Optionally, select another dimension under Dimension to further categorize your data into subgroups.

In addition to grouping, you can pre-filter specific data from your reports. For example, you can display only revenue figures from online sales, or tickets from a specific event or time period. You can add as many filters as needed, grouped using OR or AND logic.
Go to the Statistics and Reports module in the sidebar.
Open the desired report.
Click on Filter at the top to select a new filter and add the variable accordingly.

By default, all columns are enabled for display. If needed, you can hide specific variables to further customize the report.
Go to the Statistics and Reports module in the sidebar.
Open the desired report.
On the right side, select the columns you want to display using the checkboxes.

The central chart can be freely designed or hidden to analyze the data at a glance.
Go to the Statistics and Reports module in the sidebar.
Open the desired report.
On the right side, select the type of chart under Chart such as a line chart or bar chart. You can also choose to hide the chart if necessary.
Use the chart icon above the columns to select which data should be included in the chart.
Save Reports

If you have customized a report, you can save it to avoid having to make those changes again each time. This saves the report in the Reports overview where it can be accessed directly. You can choose to save a report just for yourself or for all users of your seller account.
Go to the Statistics and Reports module in the sidebar.
Open the desired report.
Select Save As. A new window will open.
Choose a name for your report. You can change this name later if needed.
Optionally, enable Shared to save the report for all users of your seller account.
Click Save.
Export Reports

Each report can be exported as a CSV, Excel, or PDF file. These exports can also be automated to send to desired email addresses at regular intervals.
Go to the Statistics and Reports module in the sidebar.
Open the desired report.
Select Export and choose the desired file format. The file will then be downloaded directly.
Schedule Reports via Mail

In addition to manual export, a report can also be scheduled to be sent to desired email addresses at regular intervals.
Go to the Statistics and Reports module in the sidebar.
Open the desired report.
Click on Schedule at the top right. A new window will open.
Choose the frequency at which the report should be sent. The report's timeframe will adjust accordingly to match the frequency. For example, selecting a monthly frequency will send the report filtered for the previous month.
Select a time for when the report should be sent.
Add email addresses to which the report should be sent. These email addresses do not need to belong to users within your seller account.
Review the preview to ensure the frequency is set correctly.
Click on Create.
The schedule with all settings can be adjusted at any time.
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For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.