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In the dashboard, statistics can be displayed either at the general organizer level or at the specific event level. They provide a visual representation of past sales, ticket counts, customers, payment methods, and more.

Seller Level: At the seller level, you can find statistics in the Statistics module in the sidebar. Here, all aggregated metrics related to all events of your organizer are displayed.

Event Level: At the event level, you can find statistics in the respective event settings under the Statistics tab. Here, specific numbers and data for each event are shown, including sales, ticket counts, and other relevant metrics.

These features provide a comprehensive overview of your event performance, allowing you to gain detailed insights into user behavior and financial performance at both organizer and event levels.

StatisticsStatistic Definition


The sales statistics reflect your total transaction volume. It includes all sales from all distribution channels, including online sales, internal transactions, and point-of-sale (POS) activities. Cancellations are not included in this statistic. Fees, taxes, and all granted discounts are included in the sales figures. The statistics are based on the transaction date.


The ticket statistics show the absolute number of tickets created. This includes online tickets, POS tickets, and complimentary tickets. The statistics are based on the ticket creation date. Invalid tickets are not included in this statistic.


The transaction statistics show the absolute number of transactions generated. This includes online transactions, POS transactions, and internal transactions. The statistics are based on the transaction creation date. Only transactions with the status "Completed" are included.

Returning Customers

Returning customers are buyers who are already registered in the vivenu system and have completed at least one booking in the past. Identification is based on the unique customer record stored in the system via email address. For example, a 50% rate means that every second buyer has previously completed a transaction with you.

New Customers

The absolute number of new customers refers to buyers who had not previously completed a booking in your system. A new customer record was created for these customers. The email address serves as a unique identification factor.

Web Sessions

Tracking web sessions refers to a user's interaction with your ticket shop during a specific session. A session begins when a user enters your ticket shop and ends when the user leaves the page or after a period of inactivity. Only sessions by unique users are counted. Tracking of web sessions can be blocked by rejected cookies, script blockers, or ad blockers.


Conversions refer to the absolute number of successfully completed checkouts in your ticket shop. A conversion occurs when a user completes the entire purchase process and buys one or more tickets. This is a key indicator of the success of your sales strategy and shows how many users actually complete the journey from visiting the website to making a purchase.

Completion Ratio

The completion ratio measures the efficiency of your ticket shop and is calculated as the ratio of web sessions to completed transactions. It indicates how many of the visitors who start a session on your website ultimately complete a purchase. A high completion ratio suggests that the user navigation and purchase process are effective and user-friendly, resulting in a significant portion of visitors purchasing tickets. Conversely, a low completion ratio may indicate obstacles or difficulties in the purchase process that prevent users from completing their purchase.

Payment Methods

Payment methods indicate which payment options are most frequently used when completing transactions on your platform. This allows you to understand the popularity of different payment methods and adjust the offering of payment methods if necessary to improve the user experience.

Average Cart Value

The average cart value is calculated from the average value of your transaction carts. This value provides insight into how much is spent on average per transaction and helps evaluate the financial performance of your shop.

Top 10 Events by Sales

This feature displays the top 10 events by generated revenue on your platform. It provides an overview of which events generate the highest income and allows targeted analysis and optimization of sales strategies for these events.

Top 10 Events by Tickets

This feature displays the top 10 events by the number of tickets sold. This includes both online tickets, POS tickets, and complimentary tickets. It helps you identify the most popular events based on ticket sales and adjust marketing and sales efforts if necessary.


The times analysis function provides the percentage of orders per weekday and time of day on average. This information is valuable for understanding at what times and on which weekdays most customers place orders. This facilitates the planning of marketing campaigns and other timed actions to increase sales.

Event Views

Event views indicate the absolute number of visits to the event page of a respective event. This includes the total number of visits accessed by users to obtain information about the event.

Checkout Views

Checkout views indicate the absolute number of visits to the checkout area. This refers to the total number of visits where users started the checkout process to buy tickets or other products or just to view them. The checkout process begins by clicking on the "Buy Tickets" button or through direct redirection.

Event Referrer

Event referrer indicates the website from which the customer accessed the event page. This could be a search engine, a partner website, or a direct link from another website.

Checkout Referrer

Checkout referrer indicates the website from which the customer accessed the checkout. This indicates through which source or link the user started the checkout process to complete the purchase.

StatisticsHeat Map: Location

Statistics_Heat Map

The Heat Map provides a detailed visual representation on a world map, showing from which geographical regions your customers originate. This interactive map allows you to zoom in to street level to obtain precise location information, providing a clear overview of how your customers are distributed across the country or world.

Transactions: This Heat Map is based on customer address data provided during transactions. Therefore, it only displays geographical data of customers who have actually completed a transaction on your platform. It offers a precise analysis of the origins of paying customers, providing valuable insights for geographically targeted marketing strategies.

For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.