If detailed information about transactions is needed, such as customer name, cart value, ticket quantity, or payment status, an export can be generated. In the transaction export, each transaction is listed as a separate line. When using the Multi Event Checkout module, one transaction is generated per event, even if they were created in a single checkout.
Pro Tip: Use transaction exports to obtain details about your buyers. This allows you to utilize the lists, for example, to get an overview of cart values or the frequency of purchases.
Here's how to download a transaction export:
Go to the Transactions module.
Click on Export at the top right. A new window will appear.
Specify the desired filters to prepare your export.
Click on Export. The export will now be processed through the Jobs module.
In the dashboard, click on your name at the bottom left and select Jobs. You will see an overview of all your previously created import and export jobs.
Click on the download icon to download your export.
Export File
Every export contains all information stored in the respective transaction or checkout. The following variables can be generated in the export:
Transaction Export Variables
Expand all
Die ID der Transaktion.
Der Status der Transaktion. Dieser kann den Status NEW, RESERVED-BY-SYSTEM, ABORTED, COMPLETE oder CANCELED haben.
Die Firma des Kunden für den die Transaktion erstellt wurde. Dieses Feld kann leer sein, sollte keine Firma hinterlegt sein.
Der Vorname des Kunden. Dieses Feld kann leer sein, falls kein Kunde ausgewählt wurde wie beispielsweise bei einer POS Transaktion.
Der Nachname des Kunden. Dieses Feld kann leer sein, falls kein Kunde ausgewählt wurde wie beispielsweise bei einer POS Transaktion.
Das Secret der Transaktion selbst.
Die E-Mail des Kunden für den die Transaktion erstellt wurde. Dieses Feld kann leer sein, falls kein Kunde ausgewählt wurde wie beispielsweise bei einer POS Transaktion.
Die Telefonnummer des Kunden für den die Transaktion erstellt wurde. Dieses Feld kann leer sein, sollte keine Telefonnummer hinterlegt sein.
Die Adresse des Kunden für den die Transaktion erstellt wurde. Die Adresse wird in einzelne Spalten aufgeteilt inkl. Straße, PLZ, Stadt, Land, Staat. Diese Felder können leer sein, falls kein Kunde ausgewählt wurde wie beispielsweise bei einer POS Transaktion.
Event ID
Die ID des Events für welches die Transaktion generiert wurde.
Der Zahlungsstatus der Transaktion.
Die PSP Nummer welche vom Zahlungsanbieter zur Verfügung gestellt wird um die Zahlung zuzuordnen. Dieses Feld kann leer sein, sollte keine Zahlung über einen Zahlungsanbieter stattgefunden haben.
Real Price
Der Gesamtpreis der Transaktion inkl. deinen Vorverkaufsgebühren.
Discount Sum
Die Rabatt Summe die auf den Warenkorb gewährt wurde.
Die Währung der Transaktion.
Outer Charge
Die Gebühren welche du an den Ticketkäufer erhebst werden als outerCharge ausgewiesen. Die Gebühren welche durch uns an dich erhoben werden, teilen sich in die innerCharge und die paymentCharge auf.
Inner Charge
Die Systemgebühren die für diese Transaktion bei vivenu anfallen.
Payment Charge
Die Zahlungsabwicklungsgebühr die für diese Transaktion anfallen und über vivenu abgerechnet werden.
Redeemed Vouchers Count
Die absolute Anzahl an Gutscheinen die für diese Transaktion eingelöst wurden.
Redeemed Vouchers Amount
Der Wert von Gutscheinen, der für die Transaktion eingelöst wurde.
Channel ID
Die ID des Channels über den das Ticket erworben wurde. Diese Funktion bezieht sich auf das Modul Channels. Wird keine ID angezeigt, wurde das Ticket über den normalen Shop erworben.
Under Shop ID
Die ID des geheimen Shops über den die Transaktion generiert wurde. Ist keine ID hinterlegt, wurde die Transaktion nicht über einen geheimen Shop gebucht.
Customer ID
Die ID des Kunden für den die Transaktion erstellt wurde. Dieses Feld kann leer sein, falls kein Kunde ausgewählt wurde wie beispielsweise bei einer POS Transaktion.
Payment Info Method
Die Bezahlmethode über die die Transaktion abgeschlossen wurde. Wenn das Feld leer war, war keine Zahlung notwendig.
Created At
Das Datum an dem die Transaktion generiert wurde.
Created By
Der Nutzer der die Transaktion erstellt hat, sollte es sich um eine interne Transaktion oder POS Transaktion handeln.
Preferred Language
Die Sprache in der die Transaktion generiert wurde.
ExportCheckout Export
If detailed information about checkouts is needed, such as customer name, cart value, ticket quantity, or payment status, an export can be generated. Each checkout is listed as a separate line. Multiple transactions can belong to a single checkout through the Multi Event Checkout module.
Pro Tip: Use exports for transactions or checkouts to gather details about your buyers. This allows you to, for example, get an overview of cart values or purchase frequency.
Here are the steps to download a transaction or checkout export:
Go to the Transactions module and proceed to Checkouts to generate the checkout export.
Click on Export at the top right. A new window will open.
Specify the desired filters to prepare your export.
Click on Export to initiate the export process. The export will be downloaded through the Jobs module.
In the dashboard, click on your name at the bottom left and select Jobs. You will then see an overview of all your created import and export jobs.
Click on the download symbol to download your export.
Export File
Checkout Export Variables
Expand all
Die ID des Checkouts.
Der Status des Checkouts. Kann den Status NEW, ABORTED oder COMPLETE haben.
Der Typ des Checkouts. Kann einer Transaktion oder einem Purchase Intent entsprechen.
Die Firma des Kunden für den der Checkout erstellt wurde. Dieses Feld kann leer sein, sollte keine Firma hinterlegt sein.
Der Name des Kunden. Bestehend aus Vorname und Nachname.
Der Vorname des Kunden.
Der Nachname des Kunden.
Das Secret des Checkouts selbst.
Die E-Mail des Kunden für den der Checkout erstellt wurde.
Customer ID
Die ID des Kunden für den der Checkout erstellt wurde.
Real Price
Der Gesamtpreis des Checkouts inkl. deiner Vorverkaufsgebühren.
Die Währung der Transaktion.
Transaktions ID
Die IDs aller Transaktionen, die zu diesem Checkout gehören.
Purchase Intent ID
Die ID des Purchase Intents, für den der Checkout generiert wurde.
Event ID
Die IDs aller Events, die zu diesem Checkout gehören.
Shop IDs
Die IDs aller geheimen Shops, die zu diesem Checkout gehören.
Channel IDs
Die IDs der Channels, über die die Tickets erworben wurden. Diese Funktion bezieht sich auf das Modul Channels.
Created At
Das Datum, an dem der Checkout erstellt wurde.
Das Secret des Checkouts.
Die Telefonnummer des Kunden für den der Checkout erstellt wurde.
Preferred Language
Die Sprache, in der der Checkout erstellt wurde.
Die Adresse des Kunden für den der Checkout erstellt wurde.
Redeemed Vouchers Count
Die absolute Anzahl an Gutscheinen, die für diese Transaktion eingelöst wurden.
Redeemed Vouchers Amount
Der Wert von Gutscheinen, der für die Transaktion eingelöst wurde.
Ticket Count
Die absolute Anzahl an Tickets, die in dem Checkout erworben wurden.
Product Count
Die absolute Anzahl an Produkten, die in dem Checkout erworben wurden.
Extra Fields
Alle Angaben aus Checkout Extrafeldern werden in einzelnen Spalten aufgelistet. Sind diese Felder frei, wurden bisher keine Eingaben gemacht.
ExportCart Item Export
If detailed information about checkouts is needed, such as customer name, basket value, ticket count, or payment status, an export can be generated. The cart item export lists tickets and products individually, with each line representing an item. This export offers the advantage of displaying individual products, including their types.
Gehe wie folgt vor um einen Transaktions oder Checkout Export herunterzuladen:
Go to the Transactions module.
Click on Export in the top right corner. A new window will open.
Select the Cart Item export.
Specify the desired filters to prepare your export.
Click on Export. The export will be downloaded via the Jobs module.
In the dashboard, click on your name at the bottom left and select Jobs. You will see an overview of all your previously created import and export jobs.
Click on the download symbol to download your export.
Export File
Cart Item Export Variables
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Event ID
The ID of the event for which the item was purchased.
Transaktions ID
The associated ID of the transaction through which the item was purchased.
Item Type
The type of item. Can correspond to a ticket, product, donation, voucher, or delivery fee.
The quantity of the item generated in the transaction.
The name of the item. Can correspond to the ticket name or product name, for example.
The price of the item.
Tickettyp ID
The ticket type ID stored in the event settings. This field may be empty if it is not a ticket.
As Hardticket
Outputs as true or false, indicating whether the ticket is a hard ticket.
Produkt Varianten ID
The ID of the product variant. Only displayed for items of type product.
ExportTicket Export
Ticket exports list all data associated with a ticket, such as customer name, event name, check-in status, price, transaction ID, and more. If you need a listing of such information, the ticket export is best suited for this purpose.
Pro Tip: Use ticket information exports to find details about your ticket holders. This way, you can use the lists to discover guest names or check-in details for individual tickets.
Here are the steps to download a ticket export:
Go to the Tickets module.
Click on Export in the top right corner. A new window will open.
Specify the desired filters to prepare your export.
Click on Export. The export will now be processed via the Jobs module.
Go to your Dashboard, click on your name at the bottom left, and select Jobs. You will see an overview of all your previously created import and export jobs.
Click on the download symbol to download your export.
Ticket Export Filters
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Optionally provide a name for the export job. This name will appear in your job list for quick recognition and re-downloading.
Select the ticket statuses to be exported. By default, only tickets with the statuses valid or detailsrequired are exported.
Optionally select the event for which you want to export tickets. Leave this field empty to export tickets from all events.
Optionally specify the timeframe of tickets to be exported. Note that this timeframe refers to the ticket creation time, not the event date. Leave these fields empty if you want to export all tickets.
Export the seat details of the tickets.
Extra Fields
Export additional ticket custom fields.
Check-in Information
Export check-in and check-out information for the tickets. These will be displayed with exact dates and times.
Additional Customer Information
Export all information related to the customer associated with the ticket.
Additional Secret Shop Information
Obtain information about secret shops through which orders were placed.
Export File
A ticket export contains all information stored in the ticket. The following variables can be generated in the export:
Ticket Export | Columns
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Corresponds to the customer's name including first and last name, replaced by the personalized name if enabled. This field can be empty if no customer is selected, such as in a POS transaction.
The first name of the ticket holder.
The last name of the ticket holder.
The ticket barcode.
Event ID
The ID of the event to which the ticket belongs.
Event Name
The name of the event to which the ticket belongs.
Customer ID
The ID of the customer for whom the ticket was created. This field can be empty if no customer is selected, such as in a POS transaction.
Transaction ID
The ID of the transaction through which the ticket was generated. This field can be empty if created without a transaction, such as for complimentary tickets.
Ticket Type ID
The ID of the ticket type from the event settings. This ID can be found in the event settings under ticket categories. It is directly listed alongside each ticket type.
Under Shop ID
Displayed as underShopId, corresponds to the ID of the secret shop through which the ticket was created. This field can be empty if not created through a secret shop.
The ID of the ticket.
The ticket's secret.
The customer's email for whom the ticket was generated. This field can be empty if no customer is selected, such as in a POS transaction. Note: Email addresses captured via extra fields will be listed under the extra fields.
Ticket Name
The name of the ticket type as defined in the event settings.
The ticket category of the ticket type as defined in the event settings.
The price of the ticket. This field can be empty if the ticket was created without a price, such as for complimentary tickets.
The status of the ticket. This can be VALID, INVALID, RESERVED, DETAILSREQUIRED, or BLANK.
Delivery Type
Displayed as deliveryType, corresponds to the delivery method. It can be a Hardticket (HARD) or a Virtual Ticket (VIRTUAL).
Cart Item ID
The ID of the item in the shopping cart.
Triggered By
The ID of the ticket or product that triggered the ticket. This can occur, for example, in shopping cart automations.
The channel through which the ticket was created. It can include online, POS, or transfer.
Created At
The date the ticket was created.
Seat Section
Displayed as seat.section, corresponds to the seat section. This field is filled out only for tickets with assigned seating.
Seat Group
Displayed as seat.group, corresponds to the seat block. This field is filled out only for tickets with assigned seating.
Seat Row
Displayed as seat.row, corresponds to the seat row. This field is filled out only for tickets with assigned seating.
Seat Seat
Displayed as seat.seat, corresponds to the seat number. This field is filled out only for tickets with assigned seating.
Seat General Admission
Displayed as seat.general_admission, corresponds to the general admission section. This field is filled out only for tickets with general admission sections.
Seat Status ID
Displayed as seat.statusId, corresponds to the seat status ID.
Under Shop Info Name
Displayed as underShopInfo.name, corresponds to the name of the secret shop through which the ticket was created.
Customer Company
The company of the customer for whom the ticket was created. Note: Data captured via extra fields will be listed under the extra fields.
Customer Phone
The phone number of the customer for whom the ticket was created. Note: Data captured via extra fields will be listed under the extra fields.
Customer Name
The name of the customer for whom the ticket was created. Note: This name may differ from the ticket name if a different personalized name was provided.
Customer Firstname
The first name of the customer for whom the ticket was created. Note: This name may differ from the ticket name if a different personalized name was provided.
Customer Lastname
The last name of the customer for whom the ticket was created. Note: This name may differ from the ticket name if a different personalized name was provided.
The address of the customer.
Customer Tags
All tags associated with the customer record.
Customer Number
The customer number assigned to the customer. This differs from the customer ID and is sequentially numbered.
Extra Fields
All information from ticket extra fields will be listed in individual columns. If these fields are empty, no entries have been made.
Checkin Times
Indicates the individual check-in times of the ticket.
Checkin Device
The access control device used for the respective check-in time. The name of the access control device is displayed.
Indicates true or false whether the ticket has been checked in.
Checkout Times
Indicates the individual checkout times of the ticket.
Checkout Device
The access control device used for the respective checkout time. The name of the access control device is displayed.
Indicates true or false whether the ticket has been checked out.
ExportCustomer Export
If you want to receive information about all customers stored in your system, you can perform a customer export. Here you can obtain information such as customer name, address, tags, or company.
Pro Tip: Use customer exports to find details about your general ticket buyers. The export is suitable for information that should not be pre-filtered by event or time period.
Here are the steps to download a ticket export:
Go to the Customers module.
Click on Export in the top right corner. A new window will appear.
Specify the desired filters to prepare your export.
Click on Export to initiate the export process via the Jobs module.
In the dashboard, click on your name at the bottom left and select Jobs. You will see an overview of all your previously created import and export jobs.
Click on the download symbol to download your export.
Customer Export Filters
Expand all
Optionally provide a name for the export job. This name will appear in your job list for easier recognition and subsequent downloads.
Export the customer's address. Each piece of information (e.g., street, postal code) will be listed in separate columns.
Anzahl Transaktionen
Export information on how many transactions the customer has conducted under their name.
Extra Felder
Export customer extra fields. Each extra field will be listed in separate columns.
Export the tags assigned to the customer.
Export the notes stored on the customer record.
Export File
A customer export contains all the information stored in the customer profile. The following variables can be generated in the export:
Customer Export | Columns
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The customer's ID. This differs from the customer number.
The customer's full name, including first and last name.
The customer's first name.
The customer's last name.
The customer's company.
Primary E-Mail
The customer's primary email address.
The customer's phone number.
The customer's address.
Transaction Count
The number of transactions the customer has completed.
Tags assigned to the customer.
Notes associated with the customer.
The customer number. This is distinct from the ID and is sequentially assigned, if activated.
Extra Fields
Any additional custom fields associated with the customer profile.
ExportPurchase Intent Export
Purchase Intent exports require the use of the Purchase Intents module. With an export, you can generate an overview of all Purchase Intents, including customer details, to gain insights into which Purchase Intents are still open or have already been completed.
Here are the translated steps in the same format:
Go to the Purchase Intents module.
Click on Export in the top right corner. A new mask will open.
Specify the desired filters to prepare your export.
Click on Export to initiate the export process through the Jobs module.
In the dashboard, click on your name at the bottom left and select Jobs. You will then see an overview of all your previously created import and export jobs.
Click on the download symbol to download your export.
Purchase Intent Export Filters
Expand all
Optionally enter a name for the export job. This name will appear in your job list to help you recognize and download it again later.
Select the status of the Purchase Intents you wish to export. By default, only Purchase Intents with the status "Complete" will be downloaded.
Choose the event for which you want to download the Purchase Intents. Leave this field blank if you want to export all Purchase Intents.
Admission Status
Select the admission status you want to export. By default, only Purchase Intents with the status "Approved" will be downloaded.
Choose a date for the creation of Purchase Intents that you wish to export. Leave this field blank if you want to download all Purchase Intents.
Export the customer's address. Each piece of information (e.g., street, ZIP code) will be exported as a separate column.
Additional Fields
Export extra fields. Each extra field will be exported as a separate column.
Additional Customer Information
Export more detailed data about the customer, such as company, tags, or customer number.
Export File
Every export contains all the information stored in the respective Purchase Intent. The following variables can be generated in the export:
Purchase Intent Export Variables
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The ID of the Purchase Intent.
The status of the Purchase Intent, which can be New, Complete, or Canceled.
Approval Status
The approval status of the transaction, which can be Awaiting, Approved, or Rejected.
The customer's company for whom the transaction was created. This field may be empty if no company is specified.
The name of the customer, consisting of first name and last name.
The first name of the customer.
The last name of the customer.
The customer's email address for whom the Purchase Intent was created.
Customer ID
The ID of the customer for whom the Purchase Intent was created.
Real Price
The price of the Purchase Intent.
The currency of the Purchase Intent.
Transaction ID
The transaction ID generated from the Purchase Intent. This field may be empty if the customer has not initiated any payment and thus no transaction has been created.
Seller ID
Your organizer account ID.
Event ID
The ID of the event to which the Purchase Intent belongs.
Shop ID
The Secret Shop through which the Purchase Intent was created.
Channel ID
The ID of the channel through which the Purchase Intent was created. This function relates to the Channels module. If no ID is displayed, the ticket was purchased through the regular shop.
Outer Charge
The fees charged to the ticket buyer are specified as outerCharge. The fees charged to you by us are split into innerCharge and paymentCharge.
Inner Charge
The system fees incurred for this Purchase Intent at vivenu.
Preferred Language
The language in which the Purchase Intent was generated.
Tickets Created
For Purchase Intents, it can be defined in the strategy that no tickets have been generated yet. This function is indicated in this field as true or false.
The secret of the Purchase Intent.
Ticket Count
The total number of tickets created with the Purchase Intent.
Product Count
The total number of products created with the Purchase Intent.
Created At
The date when the Purchase Intent was created.
Expires At
The date when the Purchase Intent expires, if it has not been completed yet. This date can be defined in the Purchase Intent strategy or edited in the details.
The customer's address for whom the Purchase Intent was created. The address is divided into individual columns including street, ZIP code, city, country, state. These fields may be empty if no customer is selected, such as in a POS transaction.
Customer Company
The company of the customer for whom the Purchase Intent was created.
Customer Phone
The phone number of the customer for whom the Purchase Intent was created.
Customer Name
The name of the customer.
Customer Firstname
The first name of the customer.
Customer Lastname
The last name of the customer.
Customer Address
The address of the customer for whom the Purchase Intent was created. The address is divided into individual columns including street, ZIP code, city, country, state. These fields may be empty if no customer is selected, such as in a POS transaction.
Customer Tags
The tags assigned to the customer.
Customer Number
The customer number of the customer.
Extra Fields
The extra fields of the Purchase Intent. Each extra field is displayed in a separate column.
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For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.