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Check in tickets

Check in tickets

Performing checkins works the same way for the dashboard or POS app.

1 Log in

It doesn't matter if you want to check in via the Dashboard or the POS app. For both variants, it is necessary that you use a dashboard login. The user you use for this must have the authorization to access all tickets. For example, an Analyst or Event Manager account is not sufficient.

Note: Checkin is not possible via a POS user account.

Dashboard Login: Log in as usual via

POS App Login: Log in via the POS App with your Dashboard login data.

2 Check in and check out tickets

The checkin of the tickets works via the module Scan. Here you can scan all tickets one after the other.

Proceed as follows to start the checkin:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard or POS app with your Dashboard login information.

  2. Go to the Tickets module and click Scan in the upper right corner. This function can also be used without a scanner. A new window will open.

  3. Scan the barcode with your scanner or alternatively type it into the field. The ticket details will open.

  4. Click on Checkin or Checkout in the lower area to check in or check out the ticket.

  5. If you use this function via the POS app, you can also use the ticket printing function. You can find out more about this in the Badge Printing module.

  6. If the checkin or checkout is successful, a message appears in the upper right corner. In addition, the number of checkins and checkouts is shown in the ticket details.

  7. To continue with the next ticket, you can simply scan or type it into the field at any time. You do not have to leave the view.

Note: The scan alone is not sufficient to check in a ticket. To check in, the button must also be pressed.

Tickets Ticket-Scanner

3 Checking in and out individual tickets

If you only want to check in or check out individual tickets, you can also use this function in the dashboard or via the POS app independently of the Scan module. This function cannot be used via a scanner.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard or POS app with your Dashboard login information.

  2. Go to the Tickets module.

  3. Find the ticket you want and open it to view the ticket details.

  4. Click on Checkin or Checkout in the ticket details. The data will be saved on the ticket immediately.

Tickets Information
Tickets Information Check-In

For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.