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Scan reservation

Scan reservation

Note: This function requires the Purchase Intents module.

If you have activated Purchase Intents for an event, reservations can be made not only online, but also on site at the box office, depending on the stored strategy. For this purpose, the customer receives a reservation confirmation via PDF on which there is a QR code. Proceed as follows to complete the reservation:

  1. Go to the POS module and click Scan Reservation on the right.

  2. Scan the QR code on the reservation confirmation. If you do not have a scanner available, you can alternatively type in the TID and SID. The first 8 digits of the IDs are sufficient. You can find the IDs in the footer of the reservation confirmation.

  3. The reservation order is then displayed in the shopping cart. All tickets including number of reservation are listed as request entries.

  4. Add the listed tickets to the shopping cart additionally. The number of request entries will decrease accordingly.

  5. Then click on Order to complete the transaction. Discounts, coupons and vouchers can of course be used as usual.

TID -- The

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    For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.