In secret shops, you can adjust the fees so that they differ from those in the regular shop. This is particularly useful if you want to assign alternative fees to secret shops, such as for POS sales or internal bookings.
FeesStandard Fees
In a secret shop, you can customize the standard fees set at the organizer or event level. This applies to both online and POS fees.
To adjust the fees:
Go to the event settings and select Secret Shops. Choose the desired secret shop to open its settings.
Click on the Fees tab.
Enter the desired fees to override the settings at the higher event or organizer level.
Click Save.
For more details on fees, refer to the article on Fees.
FeesFee Schemes
For greater flexibility, you can use fee schemes instead of only adjusting the standard fees. While fee schemes cannot be directly assigned to secret shops, you can assign a fee scheme to the ticket types used in the secret shop.
Here’s how to proceed:
Go to the event settings and select the Fees tab.
Ensure that the fee scheme you want to use is set up. Fees intended solely for the secret shop can be deactivated for the event.
Next, go to the Ticket Categories tab.
Add the desired ticket types for the secret shop and leave them deactivated.
Go to the ticket type settings and select the Sales tab.
Scroll down to Fees and activate the fees you want to use.
Finally, go to the Secret Shop settings and activate the ticket types.
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For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.