Payment Status
Expand all- Received
The payment has been successfully received and completed. Transactions with a transaction value of 0 are also shown directly with the payment status Received.
- Awaiting
No payment method has been selected yet. Thus, there is no payment received yet. This payment status is expected only for reserved transactions with Reserved-by-System status.
- Pending
The transaction has been successfully completed and the payment details have been deposited. However, the money receipt is still pending. However, depending on the payment method, this is expected in the next few days, so the status will change to Received. For some payment methods, such as credit card and Paypal, the payment status is set directly to Received.
- Refund
The payment has been refunded. You can check the transaction history to see who refunded the payment.
- Failed
The payment was denied by the payment provider and the transaction could not be successfully completed. The tickets were therefore automatically invalidated and released for sale again.
- Dispute
In case of a dispute, the ticket buyer requests a refund of his money from the payment provider. The status Dispute refers to the process before a refund is finally issued. This status is ignored for the SEPA payment method, for example, so there is no way to open the dispute case to avoid a chargeback. The Dispute status is thus skipped. For other payment methods, the Dispute process is opened, so there is a possibility to avoid the chargeback.
- Chargeback
The ticket buyer's dispute was successful and a chargeback was performed. The ticket buyer gets his money back. A chargeback is possible up to 8 months after booking and can therefore still be carried out after the end of the event. For each chargeback the deposited chargeback fees will be charged.
- POS-Received
The payment has been successfully received via a POS.
- POS-Canceled
The transaction has been canceled via a POS and the payment has been refunded.
- Local-Received
An internal transaction was created with the destination status indicated as Complete. It is signaled that the payment has been successfully received and no further action is required.
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For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.