The checkout is linked via the event page as a modal integration or can be reached directly via the URL.
The following customizations are available for the checkout via the event settings:
Checkout Settings
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Checkout title image for ticket types
An image can be added to the header of the checkout if required. You can find the setting via the tab Custom and Checkout.
Checkout image for product
For products an alternative image can be added which appears in the header of the checkout. This setting can be found in the Sales tab if products have been activated for this event. Note: This feature can only be used with the Products module.
Ticket category display
Ticket categories can be displayed one below the other, as boxes or as tabs. If you use several ticket categories without a seatmap, the box and tab view is particularly suitable. You can find the settings in the tab Display and Checkout.
CheckoutTicket types
The display of the ticket types can be customized individually for each event. All settings can be found in the event settings of your event.
The following adjustments are available:
Ticket settings
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Mark as recommended
If you mark a ticket as recommended, a frame in the accent color will be placed around the ticket making it stand out even more in the checkout. You can find this setting in the respective ticket type settings.
Hide ticket
If a ticket is hidden, it will no longer be displayed in the checkout and can only be added via shopping cart automations. Use this setting if, for example, you want to offer tickets via automations that would otherwise not be available for sale. You can find this setting in the respective ticket type settings.
Show availability
Show the exact number of available tickets of a ticket type. You can find this setting in the respective ticket type settings.
Ignore for start price
If a ticket is ignored for the start price, it will not be included in the amount of the "ticket from". You can find this setting in the respective ticket type settings.
Ticket Thumbnail
The ticket thumbnail is an image that appears next to the ticket type in the checkout. You can find this setting in the respective ticket type settings.
Hardticket Preview
If the hard ticket function is enabled, you can optionally add a preview image that appears as a popup for selecting the hard ticket option. You can find this setting via Hard tickets. Attention: This function is only available with the Hard tickets module.
POS Color
To highlight a ticket type at the POS, you can select a color that will outline the ticket type in the POS app. You can find this setting in the respective ticket type settings.
Attention: These functions are only available with the Products module.
If products are sold in an event, the display of these in the checkout can be additionally customized.
The following settings are available with the Products module:
Products Settings
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Product image
An image can be displayed next to products in the checkout. You can find this setting in the respective product settings.
Recommended retail price
If you want to advertise a discounted product, you can specify a recommended retail price which will appear crossed out next to the price. You can find this setting in the product settings via product variants.
CheckoutCheckout integrations
Instead of using our event pages, you can also embed the checkout directly into your website. This saves the ticket buyer clicks, doesn't redirect them to an external page, and keeps the checkout experience in your branding.
The checkout can be embedded via an iFrame as well as a modal integration. Which integration is right for you depends entirely on your preferences. For both integrations, code snippets are available in the dashboard that can be copied and used directly. No further code is necessary.
Note: iFrame and Modal integrations can only be used for single events. Embedding Hero Shops or collected events is not possible.
You can find the code snippets in the respective event via the Integrations tab.
Modal Integration
Modal integration opens the checkout as a new window on top of your website. This window can be opened by clicking on a button, for example.
iFrame Integration
With iFrame integration, the checkout is embedded directly into the website. The customer does not leave the website, no additional window opens and he can complete the purchase on your website until the end.
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