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Ticket Design

Ticket Design

Ticket DesignGeneral

The system offers you the possibility to customize the ticket design for Print@Home tickets and printed tickets. The possibilities for dimensions, color, design and material are unlimited. You can create ticket designs for plastic cards, hard tickets or simple DIN A4 tickets and even customize them down to the ticket type level.

If nothing else has been stored, the Print@Home ticket is automatically displayed in vivenu's own design. If required, this can be replaced by an individual design. Printed ticket designs, on the other hand, always require an individual design.

Your designs can be customized on organizer level as well as on event or ticket type level, so that you can freely determine when which design should be used. For example, you can create individual designs for VIP tickets or special events.

The following options are available for ticket design:

  1. Customize vivenu Print@Home design

  2. Create your own Print@Home template design

  3. Create your own Printed Template Design

  4. Customize Wallet Tickets

The vivenu Print@Home design is stored for all your events, as long as it is not overwritten by your own template design. All settings for this design can be found in your event settings in the tab Ticket Design.

Events Ticket-design

The vivenu Print@Home design consists of a fixed structure in which individual variables can be optionally adjusted. The advantage of this is that you automatically have a ready-made ticket design without having to spend a lot of time editing it.

Pro Tip: If you want to change the structure of the ticket further, we recommend that you use your own ticket template.

Ticket image

In the middle of the ticket design there is a central image, which is also called ticket design. The structure between text and image can take two forms.

Use ticket without own ticket image

If no specific ticket image is selected, the event header is automatically generated on the ticket. The event variables such as event name, ticket type, price, etc. appear next to the image so that no text covers the ticket image.

Pro Tip: If the image does not fit the correct dimensions, the file will be scaled and may appear cropped.

Use ticket image

If a ticket design is selected, the arrangement of the text will also change. The variables such as event name, ticket type, and price then appear directly on the image and are integrated directly into the design.

Pro Tip: If the text is difficult to read, the text color can be adjusted in the ticket design settings.

The ticket image can be set for the entire event, but can also be specified for individual ticket types. Go to the settings of your ticket types to change the image for individual tickets.

Pro Tip: The ticket design will automatically be used for Apple Wallet tickets as well.

Customize ticket image

  1. Go to your event settings to customize the ticket image.

  2. You can set the ticket image for the whole event and therefore for all ticket types or alternatively for a specific ticket type.

    1. To set the ticket image for the entire event, go to the Ticket Design tab and upload the desired image via the Ticket Design.

    2. To save the ticket image for a specific ticket type, go to the Ticket Categories tab and open the ticket type settings via the three dots. Then select the Ticket tab and upload the desired image via the Individual ticket design.

  3. The settings will be applied after saving. If you have saved a ticket image for a ticket type, this will overwrite the setting from the event.

Events Ticket-design

In the lower area of the ticket there is a free space, which can be filled with a so-called ticket footer. The ticket footer can be uploaded in the event settings via the Ticket Design tab.

Pro Tip: The ticket footer is particularly suitable for sponsor logos or additional information. Simply create a graphic that contains all the necessary logos or texts and upload it as an image file.

Customize Ticket Footer

  1. Go to your event settings to customize the ticket footer.

  2. Go to the Ticket Design tab and upload the image under Ticket Footer.

Events Ticket-design Ticket-footer

Extra Fields

If you have defined extra fields for tickets, you can optionally display them on the vivenu Print@Home design. After activation they will be listed in the upper part of the ticket. Due to limited space, a maximum of six extra fields can be displayed.

Hint: Only ticket and no transactions extra fields can be stored on the ticket designs.

Customize Extra Fields

  1. Go to your event settings to enable extra fields for your ticket design.

  2. Go to the Data & Personalization tab and stay on the Tickets tab.

  3. Click on the Edit button at the desired extra field. A new window will open.

  4. Activate the Show on PDF button. The extra field will then be displayed on your vivenu Print@Home design.

Events Data&Personalization Tickets


In addition to the legal disclaimer of vivenu you can optionally add other text, for example to add information about the event, the booking process, or the terms and conditions. The text appears in small print directly on the ticket.

Add Disclaimer

  1. Go to your event settings to add a disclaimer.

  2. Go to the tab Ticket Design and add the text via Ticket Disclaimer.

Events Ticket-design-disclaimer

Event date and time

By default, vivenu Print@Home tickets always show the event start date and time. If you don't want to store this data, you can change it accordingly.

Adjust event date and time display

  1. Go to your event settings to customize the display of the event date and time.

  2. Go to the Ticket Design tab and enable and disable the following options as needed.

Events Ticket-design


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Pro Tip: Disable the display of the date for example for season ticket events or events without a fixed date.

If the design options of the vivenu ticket design are not sufficient, you can easily create your own ticket design. There are no limits for your own ticket designs.

You can start designing your tickets using the Templates module. You start on an empty page and can insert as many images, graphics, texts and variables as you like. You decide where, for example, the name of the ticket buyer appears or in which dimensions your images are displayed.

You can create a new Print@Home ticket design using the Templates module. You can create as many templates as you like and even use them only for individual ticket types. For example, you can differentiate the ticket design for VIP tickets from your normal tickets.

Create Print@Home template design

  1. Go to the Templates module to create a new design or manage your existing ones.

  2. Select New Template in the upper right corner to add a new template. A new window will open.

  3. Enter a name for the template. This name will be displayed internally in the dashboard when you select the template and should be recognizable by you. It is not possible to change the name later.

  4. Select Digital as the target to create a Print@Home design.

  5. Select the A4 format and then click on Create. The new template will now appear in your template overview.

  6. Select the template to customize it.

Settings Templates New-template

Edit Print@Home template design

The following steps are only outlined as an example. When editing a template, you can of course have your own procedure.

  1. Select a template via the Templates module to edit it.

  2. Add an image via Add template, which appears grayed out in the background of the design. For example, use your existing ticket design or a template created by your marketing team. It will help you to determine the positions of individual elements. The template is automatically hidden when a ticket is generated.

  3. Add images to your ticket design. We recommend preparing the design as an image as much as possible, so you don't have to upload and position each image individually.

  4. Add the variables via a text field. To do this, enter the character {{. A list of all available variables will open automatically, which you can position on your ticket.

  5. Customize the size, font color and position of your text fields by clicking on them.

  6. Add more text fields to add information to the ticket.

  7. Add a barcode or QR code.

  8. Click on Preview to see an example of the ticket design.

  9. Finally, click on Save.

Templates can be set on three levels:

  1. Organizer Level: Go to the Settings module and select the Templates tab.

  2. Event Level: Go to your event settings and select the Ticket Design tab.

  3. Ticket Type Level: Go to your event settings on the tab Ticket Categories and open your ticket type settings via the three dots. Then click on Ticket.

Use the edit icon to select your desired template for all document formats.

Example: For one ticket type you can create a Print@Home (A4 digital), a Hardticket (Boarding-Pass) and a Plastic-Card design. If the ticket purchaser then prints his ticket as a Print@Home ticket, he will receive the stored A4 digital design. As soon as you connect a plastic card printer via POS, you will receive the plastic card design. If you connect a hard ticket printer via POS, the boarding pass design will be printed. You just have to make sure that you always select the correct format before printing at POS.

The lower levels overwrite the settings from the higher levels. For example, if you set a general template on the organizer level, it will be used for all events and tickets. But if you want to use a different template for a specific event, you can store it there and the settings on the organizer level will be overwritten automatically without deleting them from other events. The same applies to ticket types.

Ticket DesignPrinted Tickets

If a Print@Home design is not sufficient, you also have the possibility to store template designs for printed tickets. The use of Printed Templates works similar to Print@Home Templates.

What can printed ticket designs be used for?

  1. Mailing of hard tickets

  2. Production of plastic tickets

  3. Printing of tickets at POS

  4. Creation of badges and labels

  5. etc.

1 Create template design

Create Printed Template Design

Using the POS system, you can print tickets in any format and output them to any printer that can receive PDF files. For example, hard tickets, plastic cards or stickers can be printed without any problems.

To do this, you just need to create the desired designs in the Templates module. Create a template with the target thermal and select the desired format. Then use the editor to start on an empty page. Add as many images, logos and text boxes as you like. You can use variables to determine the position of variable content and thus store, for example, names, addresses, event data or extra fields. This data will be filled in automatically each time a ticket is generated.

Create Printed Template Design

  1. Go to the Templates module to create a new design or to modify your existing ones.

  2. Select New Template in the upper right corner to add a new template. A new window will open.

  3. Enter a name for the template. This name will be displayed internally in the dashboard when you select the template and should therefore be recognizable by you. A later change of the name is not possible.

  4. Select Thermal as target to create a printed ticket design.

  5. Select the desired format. If necessary, you can also select a custom format and specify your own dimensions. Then click on Create. The new template will now appear in your template overview.

  6. Select the template to customize it.

Settings Templates New-template

Edit Printed Template Design

The following steps are only outlined as an example. When editing a template, you can of course have your own procedure.

  1. Select a template via the Templates module to edit it.

  2. Add an image via Add Template, which will appear grayed out in the background of the design. For example, use your pre-printed ticket design or a template created by your marketing team. It will help you to determine the positions of individual elements. The template is automatically hidden when a ticket is generated.

  3. Add the variables via a text field. To do this, enter the {{ character. A list of all available variables will open automatically, which you can position on your ticket.

  4. Adjust the size and position of your text fields by clicking on them.

  5. Add more text fields to add information to the ticket.

  6. Add a barcode or QR code.

  7. Click on Preview to see an example of the ticket design.

  8. Finally click on Save.

Settings Templates edit

2 Activate template design

Templates can be created on three levels:

  1. Organizer Level: Go to the Settings module and select the Templates tab.

  2. Event Level: Go to your event settings and select the tab Ticket Design.

    Events Ticket-design

  3. Ticket Type Level: Go to your event settings on the tab Ticket Categories and open your ticket type settings via the three dots. Then click on Ticket.

    Events Ticket-categories

Via the edit icon you can select your desired template for all document formats. Depending on which printer and therefore which format is connected to the POS, the selected design will be printed for this format.

Example: For a ticket type, store a Print@Home (A4 digital), a hard ticket (boarding pass) and a plastic card design. If the ticket purchaser then prints his ticket as a Print@Home ticket, he will receive the stored A4 digital design. As soon as you connect a plastic card printer via POS, you will receive the plastic card design. If you connect a hard ticket printer via POS, the boarding pass design will be printed. You just have to make sure that you always select the correct format before printing at POS.

The lower levels overwrite the settings from the higher levels. For example, if you store a general template on the organizer level, it will be used for all events and tickets. However, if you want to use a different template for a specific event, you can store it there and the settings on the organizer level will be overwritten automatically without deleting them from other events. The same applies to ticket types.

Ticket DesignWallet Tickets

Apple Wallet and Google Wallet tickets are available to ticket buyers via vivenu. These options are presented to the ticket buyer each time the tickets are downloaded. If required, this function can also be deactivated per event.

Pro Tip: This setting requires the Custom Branding module.

Apple and Google Wallet tickets offer some customization options, which you can set on the organizer level. Note that these customization options are limited and cannot be further customized.

Customize Wallet design

Go to the Settings module and the Display tab. You can access the wallet settings via custom branding. If you do not make any settings, a predefined design classic black and white will be used.

Wallet Settings

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Note: The aforementioned settings can only be made at the organizer level and thus apply to each ticket and event. The ticket image can be used for individualizations.

Customize Apple Wallet ticket image

The ticket image can be customized in the event settings via the ticket design. The image stored there applies to all tickets generated via the event. If the image is to be specified for certain ticket types, it can be overwritten in the ticket type settings.

If no ticket image is selected, the event image will be used automatically.

Note: The dimensions of the Apple Wallet image depend on the screen size. Accordingly, it may happen that the ticket image is cut off.

For the sake of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.